Not Everything Looks Good Topless…Vaux May Have Designed Says Intelligence…Newburgh, New York

Not Everything Looks Good Topless…
Greek Revival House, Newburgh, New York
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98 Lander Street, Newburgh, New York

98 Lander Street does not exist in the 1880 census nor is it listed in city directories of the 1860s in Newburgh, New York. Obviously, it was once a prosperous house; however, things in Newburgh are very different now, limiting the number of well-to-do people who choose to live in town.
It is unknown who lived in [...]
Service Entrance, Montgomery Place, Hudson Valley

Even the service entrance at Montgomery Place is beautiful. We see these sorts of things and have hope that the beautiful and good in the built environment has some chance of survival.
Montgomery Place is an early 19th century estate of the late Federal-style, agumented in the neoclassic taste by the eminent architect Alexander Jackson Davis (1803-1892) [...]
Unusual Empire Pier Table in Hudson, New York

While this could have been some kind of architectural feature, it appears now as a very narrow pier table (without the piers) from the first half of the 19th century. We saw this little flame bag in Hudson, New York and, stupidly, did not record the name of the gallery.
The reason for the post is [...]
Old B-P-O-Elks Lodge Building, Newburgh, New York

In the heart of crusty old Newburgh, New York is a plethora of architectural wonderment and it is our plan, sometime soon, to extol certain of these built virtues! In the mean time, we must reserve our initial impressions for a newer historical building that we thought might be overlooked in a town of 19th century architectural bliss.
A town in which its hay day [...]