Hurricane Irene Brings New Meaning to Dent Place, Georgetown House Catastrophe, DC

Gross Carriages Have Left The Building, Baltimore, Maryland

Why Is The National Historic Landmark Program Renting A New Building Next To An Abandoned National Historic Landmark?

The Catholics Demolished St. Rose’s African American School, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi

Some “Bricks and Stone” With Concrete Bones, Nashville, Tennessee

Ugly Vinyl Storm Door Obscures A Gothic Revival Past…

What’s With The Yellow Brick Buildings–Churches, Houses, Stores, & At Least One Beisert Warehouse at Giddings, Texas?

Brick Retaining Walls, Fence Types, and Gates with Endless Frills & Furbelows in Fairmont Street

Another Endearing Headstone, Holt Cemetery, New Orleans, Louisiana

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