Avant Guard Flamboyance in a Plastic House, Fremont, Ohio

Flamboyant Plastic House, Fremont, Ohio
Rather off the beat and path is a quaint little town in the mid-western state of Ohio–Fremont. Fortunately, for Fremont, it is located just off the turnpike so that if your driving from Cleveland to Toledo or Detroit or perhaps vice versa, you might have a moment to take in the local [...]
Victorian Revival McMansion, York County, Pennsylvania

We saw this Victorian Revival McMansion on lovely jaunt through York County, Pennsylvania and were wondering, still wondering, how to stomach this without utter confusion.
Since there is nothing inappropriate about it being that its late 20th century, we will simply say that we would prefer to see such vigor in the restoration of a period [...]
Presidential Palaces: Harry Truman’s Humble Beginnings…

When you see this little Victorian cottage, what is your first thought? Well, despite the broad array of answers that might be invoked by such a question, the first thought is probably not one of a presidential nature. Between 1883 and 1884, John Anderson Truman and his wife Martha Ellen Young moved to this fairly [...]