President Woodrow Wilson Spent the Evening Entering Edith Galt

President Woodrow Wilson Spent the Evening Entering Edith Galt
The Washington Post, October 9, 1915
All this time we had defended the dignity and propriety of Edith Bolling Galt’s widowhood, and the even more chaste widower-ship of former President Woodrow Wilson, as we simply wrote off…”the President spent the evening entering Mrs. Galt…” as hysterical [historical] urban [...]
Early 20th Century Swimming and Diving Platform, Camp Pasquaney, Bridgewater, New Hampshire

Early 20th Century Swimming and Diving Platform, Camp Pasquaney, Bridgewater, New Hampshire
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Apparently Two Men Always Shared A Room In Washington, District of Columbia

Apparently Two Men Always Shared A Room In Washington, District of Columbia
Fashionable Room For Rent, Two Men Allowed, In Washington, D.C.
Advertisement. People’s Advocate. November 22, 1879, Washington, D.C. A Very Desirable Front Room, Taken Out of Context…
While we don’t know whether this would ever have been the home of two gentlemen ”lovers” and/or ”a couple,” we know [...]
Apparently Elitism Came In The Form Of A Bullitt Or A Dick in Old Philadelphia Society, Curious Clipping, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Apparently Elitism Came In The Form Of A Bullitt Or A Dick in Old Philadelphia Society, Curious Clipping, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Pro-Jewish Advertisement Sparked By Anti-Semitism, Bungalow Dwellings, Washington, D.C.

Pro-Jewish Advertisement Sparked By Anti-Semitism,
Bungalow Dwellings,
Washington, D.C.
Washington Post Advertisement, Only 2 Left, Referring to Semi-Bungalows For Sale Built by Horace G. Smithy, the Eminent Real Estate Developer of Washington D.C. Published in 1930.
This advertisement from the Washington Post features a large star of David, not usually illustrated for design purposes, but perhaps, in this case, [...]
Curious Clipping: Fashionable, Although Not Large, Washington, D.C.

Oddly enough, while we love this excerpt, this is in honor of a dear friend’s birthday, who has been absent the Federal City for far too long… The clipping comes out of the Autobiography of Samuel David Gross (our friend’s great-great grandfather), the eminent surgeon of 19th century America. Gross was commenting, in this memoir, [...]
Will They Hold Your Horses At The Washington Animal Rescue League Today?

Among the early causes and “entitlement” programs that came about in the progressive age of late 19th and early 20th century American culture was the Washington Animal Rescue League (WARL), founded in 1914. As is obvious in the subject image, the clientele of WARL included animals not likely to be found on the premises today.
Upon [...]
A New-Foundland Slut, Circa 1838

We think this clipping, A New-Foundland Slut, published in the Farmer & Gardner, and Live-Stock Breeder and Manager in 1838 gives a tid bid on the history of dogs… Need we say more?
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Even Vogue Magazine Enjoyed New Orleans Architecture…

Even Vogue Magazine Appreciates New Orleans Architecture…
Critical Analysis of Buildings/Paint Jobs, Vogue Magazine, 1941
The archivist was coming so its a bit blurry…otherwise we should not share at all…
We also like the folkish quality of the drawing.
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Green Dog Shit May Be Your True Architectural Turd!

Green Dog Shit May Be Your True Architectural Turd!
When we talk about the “Architectural Turds of America,” we often forget that there are actual turds that represent former objects and/or physical manifestations of the human being’s creation. Since upon the demolition of old buildings, “the developer (s)” doesn’t actually digest his prey, we are not [...]
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