The Coolest Duplex in Indianapolis is Unusable.!? Craftsman Duplex, Indianapolis, Indiana

The Coolest Duplex in Indianapolis is Unusable.!? Craftsman Duplex, Indianapolis, Indiana
Half boarded up, one hopes the “plywood shuttering” is simply preparation for a sensitive renovation of the building, given the unusual quality of the design with its heavy craftsman stylistic features and motifs. Not only is the building incredibly attractive, it is a sensible investment–live in [...]
Pro-Jewish Advertisement Sparked By Anti-Semitism, Bungalow Dwellings, Washington, D.C.

Pro-Jewish Advertisement Sparked By Anti-Semitism,
Bungalow Dwellings,
Washington, D.C.
Washington Post Advertisement, Only 2 Left, Referring to Semi-Bungalows For Sale Built by Horace G. Smithy, the Eminent Real Estate Developer of Washington D.C. Published in 1930.
This advertisement from the Washington Post features a large star of David, not usually illustrated for design purposes, but perhaps, in this case, [...]
Traveling Bungalow Trailers Need Not Be UGLY!

Feast your eyes on this wonderful “traveling bungalow,” early trailer house, travel trailer or whatever the hell…a miracle of Craftsman architecture and Colonial Revival treatment of the early 20th century. The creator, W.M. O’Donnell, naturally of Detroit, Michigan, leaves no detail undone with particular attention to the elevations of his home: a cladding of wood [...]
Typical Early 20th Century African American Urban Street, Jackson, Mississippi

Typical Early 20th Century African American Urban Section, Jackson, Mississippi
100 Block of Leonard Street, Jackson, Mississippi
Rarely surviving are “historic district” quality, old wood frame dwellings and residential buildings in areas that were historically African American. Segregated by social standards and often even policy, blacks of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were often located [...]
Oldest Knickerbocker Yacht Club Already Demolished…….Port Washington, New York

We are sad to hear that the Knickerbocker Yacht Club building in Port Washington, New York is going to be demolished, as the organization, itself, folded in 2009 after 135 years. Surviving since its founding in 1874 on the Harlem River in Manhattan, the most recent economic downtown in America has devastated the organization to the point that it [...]
Your Typical Residential Streetscape, Detroit, Michigan

Derelict bungalows in Detroit, Michigan.
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