Furness Designed the John Christian Bullitt House at Paoli, Pennsylvania.

Furness Designed the John Christian Bullitt House at Paoli, Pennsylvania.
John Christian Bullitt House, Included Stable and Gardener’s Cottage. Cobblestone Drive, Paoli, Pennsylvania.
Designed by the architecture firm of Frank Furness–Furness, Evans & Co., Architects, 2154, the eminent Philadelphia Architect, “Levi Focht, the builder of the Reading Railroad station, was in charge of construction. The flaring shingled [...]
Perhaps New Buildings Are Better In Philadelphia.!? WTF?

Perhaps New Buildings Are Better In Philadelphia.!? WTF?
Then and Now, S.E. Corner of 22nd and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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First Furness, First Unitarian Church, Philadelphia, Penna

“In front of the church there will be a cloister of six arches, two of which wil be occupied for doors. At one end of the cloister, there will be a circulating library. At the corner of the building there will be a tower, the lower part having a carriage porch.”
This unidentified newspaper clipping dated February [...]