Remember the Federal Whore House of Madame Tapp?

Remember the Federal Whore House of Madame Tapp?
Madame Tapp, Bawdy House Proprietor, 120 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC
In 1880, Washington, D.C. had a population of roughly 177,000 people, which is about 1/3 of today… As is the case now, society, whether we like to admit it or not, calls for a certain percentage of that [...]
Purse Your Lips: But First, Make Sure You Are Match Safe

Purse Your Lips: But First Make Sure You Are Match Safe
Older than the hills, we understand that match safes or, in more European parlance, Vesta cases, certainly have a viable place and purpose in modern society. If your fashionable, independent and/or ingenious enough to wear a man bag, you might want to consider this particular [...]
Purse Your Lips: Its A Gold Toothpick

Since the introduction of the early modern human beings into the world, tools have been used to pick the teeth in a human head. Toothpicks are most probably the oldest instrument for dental cleaning. They come in wood, plastic, bamboo, metal, and bone, but the most wondrous can be found in precious metals such as gold and [...]
The Curator’s Manbag(s) and Its Myriad of Contents
Item: Gucci Purse
Procured Where: SAKS Fifth Avenue, Men’s Store, Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
Price: To Much to Disclose
Review: Perfect size for flaming around town and it even holds my bad ass Lumix camera used to take all Curatorial photos. The small interior pocket is good for quickly reaching certain items, like perhaps your 18K Gold Toothpick? Complaint is reserved to the [...]