The Last Vestige of Old World Spring Garden Street, Church of the Assumption, Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Last Vestige of Old World Spring Garden Street
Church of the Assumption, Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Cornerstone Laid: May 21, 1848
Consecrated: 1849
Once a truly vibrant and dense residential section of the city, the above views of Spring Garden Street east of 12th Street, looking northeast, illustrate a context of buildings that has largely vanished. There is but one [...]
The Bush Hill Iron Works of James Moore, 1600 Block of Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

The Bush Hill Iron Works
James Moore, Proprietor
1600 Block of Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, Penna.
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Spring Garden Street in Mint Condition, Site of the U.S. Mint, SW Corner Spring Garden and 17th Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

Spring Garden Street in Mint Condition
Site of the U.S. Mint
SW Corner Spring Garden and 17th Street
Philadelphia, Penna.
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The Most Flaming Addition In Philadelphia: Gambrel Roof, 276 South Philip Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
The Most Flaming Addition In Philadelphia
Gambrel Roof, 276 South Philip Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
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18th Street Entrance To Gibbs Mansion Where Boy Was Crushed By Iron Gate, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

Boy Crushed In The Name Of Architecture:
18th Street Entrance To Gibbs Mansion Where Boy Was Killed By Iron Gate, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
Heavy Iron Gate Fell And Crushed Eight-Year-Old Lad
The gate which killed little Charles McGanney is shown here resting on its side against the house [the Gibbs Mansion]. It fell off the rusted pivot on [...]
James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue, 300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue
Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill
300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
If you had an axe to grind! Or needed a grind stone in old Philadelphia, James E. Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill, in the 300 block of York Avenue, was the [...]
The Mellons and The Quaker City National Bank Were Once Neighbors in Philadelphia, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Mellons and The Quaker City National Bank Were Neighbors in Philadelphia
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Too Beauitful was the Rear of the Dwelling, the Lost World of North Philadelphia, 1328 North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

Too Beauitful was the Rear of the Dwelling, the Lost World of North Philadelphia, 1328 North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
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Parlor Funeral in the Thomas S. Dunning House, 1328 North 15th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Parlor Funeral in the Thomas S. Dunning House, 1328 North 15th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Before and After, Philadelphia Row House, Trenton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Before and After, Philadelphia Row House, Trenton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Penna. While Trenton Avenue was never at the height of taste or beauty in the classical sense, the row house at the southwest corner of Trenton Avenue and E. Hagert Street (on right) was a very simple, yet attractive brick dwelling in days gone by… The [...]
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