Rural View of Old Queen Anne Revival Farm House Near Static, Tennessee
Rural View of Old Queen Anne Revival Farm House Near Static, Tennessee
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Some “Bricks and Stone” With Concrete Bones, Nashville, Tennessee

In an effort to respect the continued use of “bricks and stone,” among other aesthetic minded materials, we will not give our opinion as to the facade treatment of APlus Stone and Materials at No. 8 Hart Street, in Nashville, Tennessee. While we are happy to see that the building has been reused, we are [...]
Nashville Architecture from Asylum Street to Academy Place to South Park

Nashville Architecture from Asylum Street to Academy Place to South Park
Electic Queen Ann Revival Remains, 16 Academy Place, Nashville, Tennessee
When a neighborhood goes “south,” some larger houses are often maintained by the more curious characters among us. While these houses are not kept immaculately, their caretakers are often sensible enough to understand certain inherent values. [...]
Who Occupied Our Old Cemetery Or Second Empire Lodge at Shiloh, Tennessee’s National Cemetery?

Who Occupied Cemetery Or Second Empire Lodge at Shiloh, Tennessee’s National Cemetery?
Shiloh National Cemetery, Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee
As a result of congressional legislation, the Federal government purchased land in order to establish “national cemeteries” in regions throughout the United States. Shiloh National Cemetery was established in 1866 at Pittsburg Landing and, between that date and the last quarter [...]
Is This A Bridled or Unbridled Welcome To Kentucky!!!

Is This A Bridled or UnBridled Welcome To Kentucky!!!
Probably built or at least made to look like a bungalow in the first decades of the 20th century, this one and a half story wood frame dwelling was just across the border in Kentucky along Highway 127. Taken in Tennessee just south of the state line [...]
Knoxville Gay Bar May Appear Seedier Than It Actually Is

Knoxville Gay Bar May Appear Seedier Than It Actually Is
On the fringe of the Old North Knoxville neighborhood, in a semi-crusty cluster of early twentieth century commericial buildings, this venue appeals to a wide range of local homosexuals among other sexually confused enthusiasts. We found this cluster fuck of a building to be a perfect speciman to [...]