President Woodrow Wilson Spent the Evening Entering Edith Galt

The Architectural Terror in Grant Circle and the Homogenization of Our Old Home, Grant Circle, Washington, District of Columbia

Lucy’s Playroom, No. 20 Chapin Place, Hartford, Connecticut

The Mountain Summit House, Tannersville, New York.

Too Beauitful was the Rear of the Dwelling, the Lost World of North Philadelphia, 1328 North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

The Shoe House, 712 West 16th Street, Austin, Texas

The Victorian Wood Frame House of August and Lizzie Hohlbauch, Clay City, Illinois

Parlor Funeral in the Thomas S. Dunning House, 1328 North 15th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Old World, Wood-Frame Hotels Long Forgotten, But Not Lost, the Brunswick Hotel and the Totem Hotel, St. James Place, Atlantic City, New Jersey

One of the Great Architectural Turd Palaces of Atlantic City, New Jersey