The Renaissance Revival Chair of a Victorian Child

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The Little Germantown House of Gilbert Stuart, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Little Germantown House of Gilbert Stuart, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Little Germantown House of Gilbert Stuart, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
 Taken from a newspaper clipping of the late 19th century:
“Gilbert Stuart was, strictly speaking, not a resident of Germantown, and his sojourn in the place was of short duration, but while he was here he painted one of his most famous portraits of Washington, and for this [...]

The Traditional Victorian Bedroom of William Christian Bullitt (1891-1967), Rittenhouse Square Townhouse Interior, 222 South 19th Street, Philadephia, PA

The Traditional Victorian Bedroom of William Christian Bullitt (1891-1967), Townhouse Interior, 222 South 19th Street, Philadephia, PA

The Traditional Victorian Bedroom of William Christian Bullitt (1891-1967), Rittenhouse Square Townhouse Interior, 222 South 19th Street, Philadephia, PA
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A Nasty Weimar Society Dame by Otto Dix of German Expressionism

Otto Dix, German Expressionism, Weimar Society, German Art, Berlin Art, Flea Market Art, Art History Germany, Modern Art, Early Modernism, Expressionism, Curator of Shit, Architectural History,

While we have not made a study of the artist, Otto Dix; Weimar society; or specific German Expressionists, we know German Expressionism well enough to see its characteristics in this flea market item seen this summer in Pennsylvania.
Among the most noted artists of German Expressionism and Neue Sachlichkeit, Otto Dix [Wilhelm Heinrich Otto Dix] (1891-1969, [...]

What’s Really Being Memorialized Here?

Phallic Symbol, Phallic Head Stone, Old Cemetery Markers, Architectural History, Ghost Cemetery, Rural Cemetery, Historic Preservation, Curator of Shit, Graves, Old Tombstones, Old Cemetery Plot

What’s Really Being Memorialized Here?
Symbolic Grave – Symbolic Monument – Symbolic Cemetery Head Stone
We have no facts as to the creator of these tomb stone; however, we have a pretty good idea what was going through the tomb stone designer/carver’s mind when he broke the mold for these bad boys…
So, we ask you:
Are there others [...]

Omnia Ab Uno: Nicolas Cage’s Tomb Is Not As Dumb As You Are!

Nicolas Cage Tomb, Nicolas Cage Grave, Nicolas Cage Grave Pyramid, Curator of Shit, New Orleans Cemeteries, New Orleans Architecture, Historic Preservation, Egyptian Revival Architecture

Omnia Ab Uno: Nicolas Cage’s Tomb Is Not Dumb, You Are!
Nicolas Cage’s Tomb, St. Louis Cemetery, Basin Street, New Orleans, Louisiana
So after only reading ten different rants regarding Nicolas Cage’s bazaar tomb???, we realized that our bloggers and social commentators on celebrities are far dumber than the somewhat defamed actor.
The following quotes prove their idiocy, along [...]

Bazaar Convention Center Art, Cincinnati, Ohio…

Convention Center, Cincinnati Ohio, Athena Classical Modern Architecture, Curator of Shit, Historic Preservation, New Buildings

Bazaar Convention Center Art, Cincinnati, Ohio…
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Odd Headstone at Holt Cemetery Gate…New Orleans

Holt Cemetery, Holt Cemetery New Orleans, Folk Art Graves, Folk Culture, Architectural HIstory, Memorial Architecture, Historic Preservation

Odd Headstone at Holt Cemetery Gate…New Orleans
Holt Cemetery, 635 City Park Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana
Among the graves in City Park Avenue’s Holt Cemetery, there were many works of Folk Art among other curious graves and cultural artifacts; although, the wording on this particular memorial near the entrance was rather strange to our curatorial agents…

We agree [...]

WWII Poster Or Is Jesus Behind Gay Marriage?

Curator of Shit, Gay Marriage, Church and Gay Marriage, WWII Poster, Gays with Jesus, Architectural HIstory, Historic Preservation

WWII Poster Or Is Jesus Behind Gay Marriage?
New Orleans Procurement, Religious War-related/Service-related Poster, $40, Antique Mall, Magazine Street…

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Even Vogue Magazine Enjoyed New Orleans Architecture…

Vogue Magazine, Vogue 1941, New Orleans Architecture, Iron work, Cast Iron, Curator of Shit, Architectural History, Historic Preservation

Even Vogue Magazine Appreciates New Orleans Architecture…
Critical Analysis of Buildings/Paint Jobs, Vogue Magazine, 1941

The archivist was coming so its a bit blurry…otherwise we should not share at all…
We also like the folkish quality of the drawing.
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