Spring Garden Street in Mint Condition, Site of the U.S. Mint, SW Corner Spring Garden and 17th Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

Spring Garden Street in Mint Condition, Site of the U.S. Mint, SW Corner Spring Garden and 17th Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

Spring Garden Street in Mint Condition
Site of the U.S. Mint
SW Corner Spring Garden and 17th Street
Philadelphia, Penna.
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Elegant Laundry Facilities, U.S. Marine Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky

Laundry Building, U.S. Marine Hospital, Louisville .Kentucky

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James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue, 300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grint In York Avenue, 300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue
Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill 
300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
If you had an axe to grind! Or needed a grind stone in old Philadelphia, James E. Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill, in the 300 block of York Avenue, was the [...]

The Mellons and The Quaker City National Bank Were Once Neighbors in Philadelphia, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Mellons and The Quaker City National Bank Were Neighbors in Philadelphia, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Mellons and The Quaker City National Bank Were Neighbors in Philadelphia
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Last Chance To Save Face, Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky

Last Chance To Save Face, Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky

Last Chance To Save Face
Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky
Located between North First and Second Streets in the downtown section of Louisville, Kentucky, these 19th and early 20th century commercial and warehouse buildings comprise one of the few intact blocks of a once dense and vibrant 19th century urban environment. This largely intact block [...]

R.I.P. Astrodome: Houston to Demolish Eighth Wonder of the World

At the same time Houston, Texas was constructing one of their greatest buildings, , just a month before the assisination of President Kennedy, when plans for Penn Plaza and Madison Square Garden were announced as a major cost saving for the Pennsylvania Railroad, an organization that it 1962 was reaching for solutions to a greater problem--the demunition of the century old railroad system in America.

R.I.P. Astrodome: Houston to Demolish the Eighth Wonder of the World
Houston, Texas
By: Oscar Beisert
While the Astrodome is not exactly to our precise taste, one cannot help but realize that it is an incredible specimen of architecture and structural engineering, not to mention a symbol of Houston’s eminence on the international scene in the 1960s. Since all of that [...]

Turd Palace: Jefferson County Judicial Center, Louisville, Kentucky

Turd Palace: Jefferson County Judicial Center, Louisville, Kentucky

Turd Palace: Jefferson County Judicial Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Not every Glass Box achieves the distinction of “Turd Palace,” just as not every Turd Palace embodies a Glass Box. However, one of the feathers in the modern cap of Louisville, Kentucky is the formerly “new” Jefferson County Judicial Center—a crown jewel of Louisville’s place in the modern [...]

The Hairport, Pembroke, Virginia–A Fun Re-Use of An Early 20th Century Commercial Building

The Hairport, Pembroke, Virginia, Re-Use of Early 20th Century Commercial Building

Special to the Curator of Shit from The Meanest Bitch in Water Street.
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Pocahontas Coal Miners Were Eternally Warm In Their Butt Coffins, Butt & Co. Coffins, Pocahontas, Virginia

Pocahontas Coal Miners Were Always Warm In Their Butt Coffin, Butt & Co. Coffins, Pocahontas, Virginia

Pocahontas Coal Miners Were Eternally Warm In Their Butt Coffin
Butt & Co. Coffins, Pocahontas, Virginia
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A Classic Storefront Never Dies, All She Needs Is Some Paint…Philadelphia Pennsylvania

A Classic Storefront Never Dies, All She Needs Is Some Paint…Philadelphia Pennsylvania

A Classic Storefront Never Dies, All She Needs Is Some Paint…Philadelphia Pennsylvania
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