Typical Early 20th Century African American Urban Street, Jackson, Mississippi

African American History, Black History, African American Buildings, Bungalows, Craftsman Architecture, Urban African American History, Black History Mississippi, Jackson Mississippi, Civil Rights, Curator of Shit, Architectural History, Historic Preservation

Typical Early 20th Century African American Urban Section, Jackson, Mississippi
100 Block of Leonard Street, Jackson, Mississippi
Rarely surviving are “historic district” quality, old wood frame dwellings and residential buildings in areas that were historically African American.  Segregated by social standards and often even policy, blacks of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were often located [...]

Is This A Bridled or Unbridled Welcome To Kentucky!!!

Kentucky Tourism Kentucky Architecture History Tennessee Border Curator of Shit

Is This A Bridled or UnBridled Welcome To Kentucky!!!
Probably built or at least made to look like a bungalow in the first decades of the 20th century, this one and a half story wood frame dwelling was just across the border in Kentucky along Highway 127.  Taken in Tennessee just south of the state line [...]

Who’s Haunting Fechheimer House, No. 22 Garfield Place?

Fechheimer Mansion 22 Garfield Place Architectural History Historic Preservation

Who’s Haunting Fechheimer House, No. 22 Garfield Place?
The Hauntings of No. 22 Garfield Place, Cincinnati, Ohio
A Historic Context of Clothier Marcus Fechheimer, His Primary Interests and His Mansion
Whether it’s a Fechheimer, a Seasongood or a Sach, we may never know precisely who, “Hebrew” or not, haunts the halls of No. 22 Garfield Place at Cincinnati, but we can certainly assert [...]

Our Own Ignorant Greed Embodied In Department Store?

Cartoon by Leon Barrit, The Commercial Vampire. Chromo from Vim, New York, July 20, 1898

Is Our Own Ignorant Greed Embodied In The Department Store?
Cartoon by Leon Barrit, The Commercial Vampire. Chromo from Vim, New York, July 20, 1898
We saw this satirical cartoon in a book published by the curators of one of the Federal museum bureaucracies.  As they note, with the coming of printing technologies primarily and low postal [...]

Thrown Away at No. 28 Tyler Street, Trenton…

Blighted Trenton New Jersey 28 Tyler Street Trenton NJ Old Chambersbug New Jersey

Thrown Away at No. 28 Tyler Street, Trenton, New Jersey
A modest working to lower middle class dwelling of the third quarter of the 19th century, this derelict wood frame house, covered in asbestos shingles, stands as a typical example of ”the formerly” in Trenton, New Jersey. 
Probably built after the American Civil War, somewhere in the period of the 1860s/70s, this [...]

Imagine An Antique Unique to Old Philadelphia, Anastacia’s Antiques, 617 Bainbridge Street, Philadephia, Penna

Anastacia's Antiques 617 Bainbridge Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania Scott Evans

Imagine An Antique Unique to Old Philadelphia
Anastacia’s Antiques, 617 Bainbridge Street, Philadephia, Penna

Within the 600 block of Bainbridge Street, in the City of Brotherly Love, there exists an exotic, antiquated environment that appears to us as unique to the town.  Housed in a turn of the century commercial building at No. 617 Bainbridge Street, you [...]

The Disturbingly Scribbled Room, Cy Twombly, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA

Back Camera

Within the great art museum (Phildelphia Museum of Art) of the formerly staunch and dramatically underrated old city of brotherly love, we found the writing on the wall to be rather disturbing, but yet amazing in one full swoop.

Known as Cy Twombly, Edward Parker Twombly, Jr. (1928-Living) is an America artist who was introduced into popular art culture in the [...]

Weathered to the Point of Raw Wonder in one of Kansas City’s Offbeat Neighborhoods…


Amazing Rehab.  We enjoy the weathered wood siding on this vernacular early “suburban” detached dwelling in Kansas City, Missouri.  When this house was worked over, it was done by someone who wanted to create an almost other worldliness effect–or at least a feeling of the old world.  While this house was probably, at the least, [...]