The Bush Hill Iron Works of James Moore, 1600 Block of Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

The Bush Hill Iron Works of James Moore, 1600 Block of Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

The Bush Hill Iron Works
James Moore, Proprietor
1600 Block of Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, Penna.
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James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue, 300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grint In York Avenue, 300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue
Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill 
300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
If you had an axe to grind! Or needed a grind stone in old Philadelphia, James E. Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill, in the 300 block of York Avenue, was the [...]

Last Chance To Save Face, Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky

Last Chance To Save Face, Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky

Last Chance To Save Face
Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky
Located between North First and Second Streets in the downtown section of Louisville, Kentucky, these 19th and early 20th century commercial and warehouse buildings comprise one of the few intact blocks of a once dense and vibrant 19th century urban environment. This largely intact block [...]

The Coolest Building in Indianapolis

Art Deco Architecture, Deco Style, Art Deco Buildings, Utility Architecture, Utility Building, Indianapolis Architecture, Indiana Architecture,

The Coolest Building in Indianapolis
Art Deco? Utility Building, Indianapolis, Indiana
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The Factory Interior of the Sterling Motor Truck Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Factory Interior of the Sterling Motor Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The Factory Interior of the Sterling Motor Corporation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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The Essex County Jail in Newark, New Jersey is One of the Oldest in the State, New Street, Newark, Essex County, New Jersey


Not to be confused with the Essex County Penitentiary or any of the state correctional facilities, these photographs depict the ruins of one of the oldest penal complexes in the State of New Jersey in February 2013. Fairly new in the history of Newark, New Jersey, the Essex County Jail was established in 1832 on [...]

The Abandoned Machine Shop of Eldridge R. Johnson, Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, New Jersey

The Abandoned Machine Shop of Eldridge R. Johnson, Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, New Jersey

The Abandoned Machine Shop of Eldridge R. Johnson, Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, New Jersey
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The Burning of the Capitol Traction Company Power House on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.

The Burning of the Capitol Traction Company Power House on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.

The Burning of the Capitol Traction Company Power House on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.
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The Best Bus Barn In America…Coca Cola Bottling Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

The Best Bus Barn In America...Coca Cola Bottling Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

The Best Bus Barn In America…Coca Cola Bottling Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

858-868 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana
Within the National Register of Historic Places-Listed Massachusetts Avenue Historic District of Indianapolis, Indiana–one of the great state capitols in America, the “Bus Barn” of the Indianapolis Public Schools is housed in this architectural wonder. The rather well kept resource is a [...]

Small Stucco Railroad Signal Building, Who Knows Where?

Small Stucco Railroad Signal Building, Who Knows Where?

Small Stucco Railroad Signal Building, Who Knows Where?
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