The International Style Dental Clinic At The Maritime Service Training Station, Port Hueneme, California

The Modern Dental Clinic At The Maritime Service Training Station, Port Hueneme, California

Designed in the avant guard International Style, the building shown in this image is quite before its time or at least surprising as most architecture of this form and style in this period was reserved to very expensive residential buildings, rising to popularity in the mid-twentieth century for use in commercial and/or office space. The [...]

Striking Art Modern or “Modernistic” High School Interior, Long Beach, California

Modernistic Interior, Modern Interior, Art Modern Interior, Art Deco High School, California Art Deco, California Mid Century Modern, High School Lobby, California Architecture, Architectural History, Curator of Shit

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Wood Frame Employment Office, U.S. Military, Circa 1918

Wood Frame Building, Employment Office, Old Wood Frame Building, Arcadia California, U.S. Military Base, Curator of Shit, Architectural History

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Washingtonia Trees, Olive Trees, Or Just Plain Street Trees at Chico, California

Historic Chico California, Historic Landscapes, Landscape Architecture, City Trees, Urban Landscape, History of Landscape, Curator of Shit, Architectural History, Historic Preservation,

Washingtonia Trees, Olive Trees, Or Just Plain Street Trees at Chico, California
Street Trees, 5th Street, Chico, California, Circa 1915
This is a testament to the early commitment to landscape architecture in American cities and small towns.  Also, this reflects the understanding that trees were important to the environment of even an urban area.
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Spanish Colonial was the Cleveland School, Oakland, Ca.

Cleveland Elementary School Cleveland Heights Oakland California Spanish Colonial

Spanish Colonial was the Cleveland School, Oakland, California
745 Cleveland Street, Oakland, California
Once in character with its middle class residential context, Cleveland Heights exists as a mix of detached residential houses of the Colonial, Spanish and Tudor Revivals that were constructed largely in the first quarter of the twentieth century.  This have been improved at the [...]