Consistent Row Houses Are Beautiful In Savannah…

row house architecture, row house savannah georgia, old front doors, salvage yards, wood steps

Consistent Row Houses Are Beautiful In Savannah…
Unlike most row houses in our old American cities, this section of like-houses, attached dwellings, maintain a consistency of like-materials.  For example, each house retains the original-appearing wood staircase and entrance level porch.  This gives the simple row of houses a harmonious feeling that can be personalized by paint [...]

Out Of Regency Period Savannah, A Gentile Poverty Saved This House, This Town!!!

Regency Architecture History Savannah Architecture Georgian Style 211 East Charlton

Out Of Regency Period Savannah, A Gentile Poverty Saved This House, This Town!!!
211 East Charlton Street, Savannah, Georgia
In 1853 or is it 1855, the Barie family moved into the fabulous new Regency-to-Greek Revival townhouse at 211 East Charlton Street in Savannah, Georgia. Politically connected royalists, the patriarch, Louis Barie, was forced to relocate to Haites at the [...]

Savannah’s Owens-Thomas House of the Telfair Museum

Owens-Thomas House, Savannah, Georgia, Telfair Museum Regency Architecture

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Apparently A Shit House Can Be Built On Trust.?. Federal Buildings, Telfair Square, Savannah, Georgia

Federal Buildings Telfair Square Savannah Georgia Army Corp of Engineers

Apparently A Shit House Can Be Built On Trust.?.
Federal Buildings, Telfair Square, Savannah, Georgia
Amidst one of America’s most beautiful cities, the Federal government operates a complex of buildings constructed in the 1980s as the local headquarters for the IRS and Army Corp of Engineers.  Appearing in scale with the local built context, a second or, should we [...]