Last Chance To Save Face, Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky

Last Chance To Save Face, Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky

Last Chance To Save Face
Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky
Located between North First and Second Streets in the downtown section of Louisville, Kentucky, these 19th and early 20th century commercial and warehouse buildings comprise one of the few intact blocks of a once dense and vibrant 19th century urban environment. This largely intact block [...]

The New Hygienic Laboratory At The Marine Hospital, Washington, D.C.

The New Hygienic Laboratory At The Marine Hospital Was Neoclassical Style, Washington, D.C.

Designed and financed by the Federal government, the “new” Hygienic Laboratory of the U.S. Public Health Service and Marine Hospital was constructed between 1907 and 1909 in Washington, D.C. The neoclassical building was completed in 1909. Originally, the U.S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service had their Laboratory of Hygiene in New York City, but, [...]

Emile Berliner Invented the Microphone at 812 6th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.

Emile Berliner Invented the Microphone at 812 6th Street, NW, Washington, D.C.

In 1877, Emile Berliner (1851-1929) had been in America since his immigration in 1870, was clerking in the 700-800 block of G Street, NW, and was renting a room from Mrs. Susan Gangewer, the window of J.D. Gangewer, at 812 6th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. Repurposing the single room as both bedroom and laboratory, it [...]

Wood Frame Employment Office, U.S. Military, Circa 1918

Wood Frame Building, Employment Office, Old Wood Frame Building, Arcadia California, U.S. Military Base, Curator of Shit, Architectural History

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Its All Downhill After Facadism, New Orleans, Louisiana

Facadism, Facade Preservation, New House Types, New Houses, Prefabricated Homes, Curator of Shit, New Orleans New Construction, Architectural History

Façadism is actually a phenomena in historic preservation that involves demolition of the entire “historic building” with the preservation of the facade, in front of a new building, as a means of mitigating the loss of the building and the continuity of a historic area and/or neighborhood.  The photos in this post are actually just [...]

Pre-FEMA Trailers, THISILDU, Hurricane of 1947, Mississippi

Temporary Housing, Fema Trailers, Hurricane 1947 Mississippi, Emergency Housing, Bay St. Louis MS, Tent History, Temporary Buildings, Tents, Historic Tents,

Even after FDR bailed out the entire country through the unprecedented social programs of the Great Depression, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was not what it is today–and, apparently, nor were public expectations.  This photograph made into a post card was taken in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi after the devastation of the Hurricane of [...]

The Worlds Skinniest House…
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