The Best Bus Barn In America…Coca Cola Bottling Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

The Best Bus Barn In America...Coca Cola Bottling Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

The Best Bus Barn In America…Coca Cola Bottling Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

858-868 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana
Within the National Register of Historic Places-Listed Massachusetts Avenue Historic District of Indianapolis, Indiana–one of the great state capitols in America, the “Bus Barn” of the Indianapolis Public Schools is housed in this architectural wonder. The rather well kept resource is a [...]

The Fantastical Garden Shed of Robert Gage, Austin, Texas

The Fantastical Garden Shed of Robert Gage, Austin, Texas

The Fantastical Garden Shed of Robert Gage, Austin, Texas

Located at the rear of a fairly large lot on Rio Grande Street in the “Judge’s Hill” Section of Austin, Texas, a charming old wood-frame dwelling has an even more charming wood-frame shed. The shed was built by Robert Gage, a long time antique dealer and artist [...]

The Old Federal Style Mansion Was Reused As Part Of The U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Perryville, Maryland

Federal Mansion, Federal Style Architecture, American Architecture, American Architectural History, Georgian Style, Maryland Architecture, Perryville Maryland, US Health Service Hospital Perryville MD, USHPHS Hospitals, Curator of Shit

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Paint Shop or Salvage Yard?…Recessed, Urban Wood-Frame Building, Location Unknown

Salvage Yard, Antique Salvage Yard, Urban Wood-Frame Buildings, Wooden Buildings, Paint Shop History, Historic Preservation, Salvage History, Architectural History, Curator of Shit, Row Buildings History

Probably third to fourth quarter 19th century, the wood-frame paint shop gone all-purpose salvage yard was probably the venue of a real Jack of all trades, but regardless, Jack’s business or whoever had pre-dated the more intense commercial buildings that lined the historically laid-out urban streetscape. The hilly yard leading to the gable fronted façade [...]