The Coolest Building in Indianapolis

Art Deco Architecture, Deco Style, Art Deco Buildings, Utility Architecture, Utility Building, Indianapolis Architecture, Indiana Architecture,

The Coolest Building in Indianapolis
Art Deco? Utility Building, Indianapolis, Indiana
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Fries’ Above Ground Pool in the Art Deco Taste, Fries, Virginia

Fries' Above Ground Pool in the Art Deco Taste, Fries, Virginia

Fries’ Above Ground Pool in the Art Deco Taste, Fries, Virginia
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The Best Bus Barn In America…Coca Cola Bottling Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

The Best Bus Barn In America...Coca Cola Bottling Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

The Best Bus Barn In America…Coca Cola Bottling Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

858-868 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana
Within the National Register of Historic Places-Listed Massachusetts Avenue Historic District of Indianapolis, Indiana–one of the great state capitols in America, the “Bus Barn” of the Indianapolis Public Schools is housed in this architectural wonder. The rather well kept resource is a [...]

Apparently Everything Is Bigger In Texas…Million-Dollar Shaft Memorial…Design For The San Jacinto Monument…Intelligence Claims Tallest Monument In The World…San Jacinto Battle Field…Houston Ship Channel…Harris County, Texas

Everything's Bigger In Texas…Design For The San Jacinto Monument…Intelligence Say Tallest Monument In The World...San Jacinto Battle Field…Houston Ship Channel…Harris County, Texas

Apparently Everything Is Bigger In Texas
Million-Dollar Shaft Memorial
Design For The San Jacinto Monument
Intelligence Claims Tallest Monument In The World
San Jacinto Battle Field
Houston Ship Channel
Harris County, Texas
Apparently not long after the erection of the 567.31-foot column, the San Jacinto Monument, on the Houston Ship Channel in unincorporated Harris County, Texas, a “Second Battle of San Jacinto” [...]

Shadowless Lights of Modern Operating Rooms, Hazelwood Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky

Hazelwood Sanatorium, Sanatorium Louisville, Medical History, Cure for Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis History, Modern Operating Rooms, Vintage Operating Room, Antique Medical Equipment, Louisville Architecture, Medical Interiors, Historic Medical Interiors, Medical Equipment, Vintage Medical Equipment, Curator of Shit,

While the two-over-one light wood windows within this view are no doubt original to the Circa 1895 building of the Hazelwood Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky, the operating room seen above has been modernized as it appears in the manner of such rooms just before the Second World War. Also known as the Association Sanatorium of Hazelwood, [...]

Striking Art Modern or “Modernistic” High School Interior, Long Beach, California

Modernistic Interior, Modern Interior, Art Modern Interior, Art Deco High School, California Art Deco, California Mid Century Modern, High School Lobby, California Architecture, Architectural History, Curator of Shit

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No Alleyway, No Problem…At Least Not In Kearney Street…NE Washington DC

No Alleyway, No Problem…At Least Not In Kearney Street…NE Washington DC

No Alleyway, No Problem…At Least Not In Kearney Street…NE Washington DC
Interesting Residential Garage Building, 1200 Block of Kearney Street, N.E., Washington, D.C.
For those fortunate enough to climb, the terraced, uphill urban lots can often make for more private, wind-friendly and, not to mention, architectural living…  What better than a Victorian or Four Square atop a [...]

For Once We Like A Modern Storefront?

Modern Storefront Arc Deco Architecture Art Moderne Architecture Restoration Historic Preservation

For Once We Like A Modern Storefront?
Modern Storefront, Designed by V.S. Klein, Art Director, Electrical Products Corporation, Seattle, Washington
In the early 1930s the Art Deco and Moderne styles were not individually recognizable forms, they were simply modern.  Working for the Electrical Products Corporation in Seattle, V.Z. Klein spent some of his time dedicated to storefront [...]

Modern Taste for Baked Bread, Nolde Brothers Inc., Norfolk, Virginia

Nolde Brothers Inc

A German-American immigrant, John Henry Nolde (1867-?) officially began baking “his own” bread in Richmond, Virginia in 1892 at 25 years of age when he founded Nolde’s Bread or what would become Nolde Brothers Inc..  As was often the case, the young, single 32 year old entrepreneur and baker was still living with his 50 year [...]

Brought to You by the Crash: WPA & Glendale City Hall

glendale City Hall

Brought to you by the Works Progress Administration or the Works Projects Administration or whatever the hell they were calling it in 1940 (let’s just say the WPA), this flame bag of a city hall stands in Glendale, California as a wondrous example of WPA architecture in the high style, fabulous Art Deco taste…
We’ve seen numerous city halls [...]