Elegant Laundry Facilities, U.S. Marine Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky

Laundry Building, U.S. Marine Hospital, Louisville .Kentucky

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A Beautiful Gambrel Roof Cottage, Belmar, New Jersey

A Beautiful Gambrel Roof Cottage, Belmar, New Jersey

A Beautiful Gambrel Roof Cottage, Belmar, New Jersey
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Colonial Revival Residences at the U.S. Marine Hospital, Galveston Texas

Colonial Revival Residences at the U.S. Marine Hospital, Galveston Texas
No doubt a product of the Architect of the U.S. Treasury Department, the buildings shown in this photograph include two Colonial Revival officer and/or staff residences at front. On left the more formal house features an almost oriental porch at the facade and a more relaxed, [...]

Colonial Revival Style Land Port of Entry, Limestone, Maine

Colonial Revival Style Land Port of Entry, Limestone, Maine

Colonial Revival Style Land Port of Entry, Limestone, Maine
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William C. Bullitt’s Suburban Mansion, Devon, Pennsylvania

William C. Bullitt's Suburban Mansion, Devon, Pennsylvania

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Who Will Resuscitate The Joseph Priestley House?


Who Will Resuscitate The Joseph Priestley House?

Looking Northeast, the side elevation of the mansion (right), barn (far left), the double privy (on left), and the fences of the Joseph Priestley Estate (House).

Looking northeast at the Side Elevation of the Mansion House of the Joseph Priestley House.

Laboratory Interior View with Retort Experimentation, Joseph Priestley House, Northumberland, [...]

Rural View of Old Queen Anne Revival Farm House Near Static, Tennessee

Rural View of Old Queen Ann Revival Farm House Near Static, Tennessee

Rural View of Old Queen Anne Revival Farm House Near Static, Tennessee
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Construction of the Alaska Governor’s Mansion was a Federal Ordeal, Executive Mansion, Juneau, Alaska

Looking NE at the Construction of the Governor of Alaska's Executive Mansion--one of the few in America, that remains of wood-frame construciton. Given the time of construction, between 1916-1918, the use of wood frame in an executive mansion was unusual, but, then again, Alaska was a mere outpost of the larger United States.

The Alaska Governor’s Mansion, originally called the Executive Mansion, was constructed in Juneau, Alaska between 1911 and 1913. The photographs displayed here were primarily taken in 1912; however, with planning, construction, and completion, etc., the process was roughly three years. While the building has been altered to appear more imposing, it still exists at 716 [...]

Emile Berliner Invented the Flat Disc and Gramophone at 1458 Columbia Road, NW, Washington, D.C.

Emile Berliner, Emile Berliner microphone, Emile Berliner Flat Disc, Emile Berliner Gramophone, Emile Berliner Plane, Emile Berliner Raw Milk, Emile Berliner Tuberculosis, Emile Berliner Flat Disc, 1458 Columbia Road NW Washington DC, Columbia Road DC

After Emile Berliner (1851-1929) sold one of his innovations related to the transmission of speech to the Bell Telephone Company in the 1880s, he was able to relieve himself from Bell’s employment and residency in Boston and return to the District of Columbia to build a commodious house, which many called a mansion, at 1458 [...]

Robert Gage and His Ideal Mother, 1930s Boarding House Interior, Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Robert Gage Antiques, Robert Gage Austin Texas, Robert Gage Artist, Historic Interiors, Early 20th Century Interior, Period Rooms, 1930s Interiors, Artists, Fort Smith AK, Arkansas History, Curator of Shit,

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