Why is the Oldest Continuously Used Public Building in America Unusable in Chester, Pennsylvania Today?

Why is the Oldest Continuously Used Public Building in America Unusable in Chester, Pennsylvania Today?

Why is the Oldest Continuously Used Public Building in America Unusable in Chester, Pennsylvania Today?
Why, in a decayed misery hole like Chester, Pennsylvania, is the oldest continually used public building in America deemed unusable? Why is there a new city hall down the street when the oldest continually used public building in America is left [...]

Who Will Resuscitate The Joseph Priestley House?


Who Will Resuscitate The Joseph Priestley House?

Looking Northeast, the side elevation of the mansion (right), barn (far left), the double privy (on left), and the fences of the Joseph Priestley Estate (House).

Looking northeast at the Side Elevation of the Mansion House of the Joseph Priestley House.

Laboratory Interior View with Retort Experimentation, Joseph Priestley House, Northumberland, [...]

Stephen Girard’s Farm House, Passyunk, Pennsylvania

Stephen Girard House, Stephen Girard Farm, Stephen Girard Philadelphia, Stephen Girard Wealthiest, Philadephia Architecture, Georgian Architecture, Philadelphia Estates, Philadelphia Country Seat, Architectural history, Curator of Shit

Stephen Girard’s Farm House, Passyunk, Pennsylvania
 Taken from an unidentified early twenieth century publication:
Stephen Girard’s Farm House
Possibly as a division from his thronging business cares, Stephen Girard bought seventy-five acres of ground in Passyunk in the year 1797, and there established a model farm. The location was “three miles from Philadelphia upon the Fort Mifflin road.” [...]

The Old Federal Style Mansion Was Reused As Part Of The U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Perryville, Maryland

Federal Mansion, Federal Style Architecture, American Architecture, American Architectural History, Georgian Style, Maryland Architecture, Perryville Maryland, US Health Service Hospital Perryville MD, USHPHS Hospitals, Curator of Shit

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Perhaps Old Ebenezer Tyler Couldn’t Pay His Taxes In Old South Main, Providence, Rhode Island

South Main Street Providence Rhode Island

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Late 19th Century Wall Street, New York, New York

Historic Wall Street, New York City Architecture, Landmarks Preservation Board NYC, Wall Street History, Wall Street 1800s, Federal Reserve Wall Street, Sub Treasury Building Wall Street, Sub Treasury NYC, Curator of Shit, New York City History, 19th Century New York, Architectural History, NYC then and now

Late 19th Century Wall Street, Press Photograph. Note the great piles of 19th century architectural progress centered on the early 19th Century, Greek Revival Sub-Treasury building, appearing almost as the street premier Temple of Finance.

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An “Inelegant” Sign Protects An Elegant Estate, Evermay, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

Georgetown DC, Georgetown Real Estate, Georgetown Estates, History of Georgetown, Washington DC real estate, history, Architectural HIstory, Georgian Architecture, Curator of Shit

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What Ever Happened To Christian Street, Philadelphia?

Christian Street, Philadelphia

What Ever Happened To Christian Street, Philadelphia?

A Row of Colonial-Era Houses of Old Philadelphia

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Out Of Regency Period Savannah, A Gentile Poverty Saved This House, This Town!!!

Regency Architecture History Savannah Architecture Georgian Style 211 East Charlton

Out Of Regency Period Savannah, A Gentile Poverty Saved This House, This Town!!!
211 East Charlton Street, Savannah, Georgia
In 1853 or is it 1855, the Barie family moved into the fabulous new Regency-to-Greek Revival townhouse at 211 East Charlton Street in Savannah, Georgia. Politically connected royalists, the patriarch, Louis Barie, was forced to relocate to Haites at the [...]

Forgive We Not The Ugly Home Depot Doors Galore!!!

Home Depot Door Ugly Door Inappropriate Door Architectural History Curator of Shit

Forgive We Not The Ugly Home Depot Doors Galore!!!
A Quick Rant On Ugly Home Depot Doors Throughout Various East Coast Cities
Baltimore MD – New York City – Philadelphia – Washington DC
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