Turd Palace: Jefferson County Judicial Center, Louisville, Kentucky

Turd Palace: Jefferson County Judicial Center, Louisville, Kentucky

Turd Palace: Jefferson County Judicial Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Not every Glass Box achieves the distinction of “Turd Palace,” just as not every Turd Palace embodies a Glass Box. However, one of the feathers in the modern cap of Louisville, Kentucky is the formerly “new” Jefferson County Judicial Center—a crown jewel of Louisville’s place in the modern [...]

The Poor Man’s International Style Library Branch Building, Brigantine, New Jersey

The Poor Man's International Style Library Branch Building, Brigantine, New Jersey

The Poor Man’s International Style Library Branch Building, Brigantine, New Jersey
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The International Style Dental Clinic At The Maritime Service Training Station, Port Hueneme, California

The Modern Dental Clinic At The Maritime Service Training Station, Port Hueneme, California

Designed in the avant guard International Style, the building shown in this image is quite before its time or at least surprising as most architecture of this form and style in this period was reserved to very expensive residential buildings, rising to popularity in the mid-twentieth century for use in commercial and/or office space. The [...]

An X-rated Photograph of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater Interior

Fallingwater, Fallingwater Interior, Frank Lloyd Wright Interior, Mid Century Modern Interior, 1920s Interior, 1930s Interior, Modern Interior, Architectural History, Modern Architecture, Curator of Shit

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Shadowless Lights of Modern Operating Rooms, Hazelwood Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky

Hazelwood Sanatorium, Sanatorium Louisville, Medical History, Cure for Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis History, Modern Operating Rooms, Vintage Operating Room, Antique Medical Equipment, Louisville Architecture, Medical Interiors, Historic Medical Interiors, Medical Equipment, Vintage Medical Equipment, Curator of Shit,

While the two-over-one light wood windows within this view are no doubt original to the Circa 1895 building of the Hazelwood Sanatorium, Louisville, Kentucky, the operating room seen above has been modernized as it appears in the manner of such rooms just before the Second World War. Also known as the Association Sanatorium of Hazelwood, [...]

Striking Art Modern or “Modernistic” High School Interior, Long Beach, California

Modernistic Interior, Modern Interior, Art Modern Interior, Art Deco High School, California Art Deco, California Mid Century Modern, High School Lobby, California Architecture, Architectural History, Curator of Shit

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For Once We Like A Modern Storefront?

Modern Storefront Arc Deco Architecture Art Moderne Architecture Restoration Historic Preservation

For Once We Like A Modern Storefront?
Modern Storefront, Designed by V.S. Klein, Art Director, Electrical Products Corporation, Seattle, Washington
In the early 1930s the Art Deco and Moderne styles were not individually recognizable forms, they were simply modern.  Working for the Electrical Products Corporation in Seattle, V.Z. Klein spent some of his time dedicated to storefront [...]

Our Orthodoxy Feels A Certain Religious Expressionism Embodied In Ohev Sholom…Or…Is It…Talmud Torah.!?


Our Orthodoxy Feels A Certain Religious Expressionism Embodied In Ohev Sholom…Or…Is It…Talmud Torah.!?
Ohev Sholom Talmud Torah, 16th Street at Jonquil, NW, Washington, D.C.
In the upper part of our nation’s 16th Street NW, at the Federal City, there is a built context representing American architectural history; however, largely encompassing styles derivative of Colonial Revival and Victorian [...]

The World’s First Green Slinky by Alexander Remizov


The World’s First Green Slinky, Ark Hotel Building by Alexander Remizov of Remistudio
If this design for an ”ARK”  hotel and/or housing building can look this good, save energy and resist a disaster, Alexander Remizov, of Remistudio in his Mother Russia, has certainly created the first Green Slinky.  And if this is the new Russia, we likey! 
However, is “ark” really the best term?  We [...]

Unexpected Breath of Fresh Air: Cleveland Museum of Art Anew

Rodin Cleveland Museum of Art Expansion

Unexpected Breath of Fresh Air: Cleveland Museum of Art Anew
Cleveland, Ohio
There are certain of our American cities that are largely unpopular, they are given a bad wrap.  Perhaps they are old and crusty?  Or maybe they endure terrible crimes?  An absence of industry or just plain ole’ bad publicity…  Situated on the southern shore of Lake [...]