The New Architecture at Howard University, Washington, D.C.

The New Architecture at Howard University, Washington, D.C.

The New Architecture at Howard University, Washington, D.C.
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The Octagon’s New Neighbor, Washington, D.C.

The Octagon's New Neighbor, Washington, D.C.

The Octagon’s New Neighbor, Washington, D.C.

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James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue, 300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grint In York Avenue, 300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue
Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill 
300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
If you had an axe to grind! Or needed a grind stone in old Philadelphia, James E. Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill, in the 300 block of York Avenue, was the [...]

The Coolest Building in Indianapolis

Art Deco Architecture, Deco Style, Art Deco Buildings, Utility Architecture, Utility Building, Indianapolis Architecture, Indiana Architecture,

The Coolest Building in Indianapolis
Art Deco? Utility Building, Indianapolis, Indiana
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R.I.P. Astrodome: Houston to Demolish Eighth Wonder of the World

At the same time Houston, Texas was constructing one of their greatest buildings, , just a month before the assisination of President Kennedy, when plans for Penn Plaza and Madison Square Garden were announced as a major cost saving for the Pennsylvania Railroad, an organization that it 1962 was reaching for solutions to a greater problem--the demunition of the century old railroad system in America.

R.I.P. Astrodome: Houston to Demolish the Eighth Wonder of the World
Houston, Texas
By: Oscar Beisert
While the Astrodome is not exactly to our precise taste, one cannot help but realize that it is an incredible specimen of architecture and structural engineering, not to mention a symbol of Houston’s eminence on the international scene in the 1960s. Since all of that [...]

The American Viscose Corporation Buildings, Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania

Near Chester is the small, but densely built town of Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, which, long since its New Sweden-establishment in the 1640s, became a typical Delaware River industrial town in the 19th century. Like many places in Pennsylvania, and also in the Philadelphia area, Marcus Hook also can claim a “first” in the context of the history of the Union.

The American Viscose Corporation Buildings, Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania
Near Chester is the small, but densely built town of Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, which, long since its New Sweden-establishment in the 1640s, became a typical Delaware River industrial town in the 19th century. Like many places in Pennsylvania, and also in the Philadelphia area, Marcus Hook also can [...]

Thompson Street Has A Deep Past, 10th & Thompson Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Circa 1918

Thompson Street Has A Deep Past, 10th & Thompson Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Circa 1918

Thompson Street Has A Deep Past, 10th & Thompson Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Circa 1918
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Green Begins With Reuse: The C.F. Sauer Company, Flavored Extracts, West Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia

Green Begins With Reuse: The C.F. Sauer Company, Flavored Extracts, West Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia

Green Begins With Reuse: The C.F. Sauer Company, Flavored Extracts, West Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia
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The Reading Pagoda Represents A Rich Past, Reading, Pennsylvania

The Reading Pagoda Represents A Rich Past, Reading, Pennsylvania

The Reading Pagoda Represents A Rich Past, Reading, Pennsylvania
The Pagoda of Reading, Pennsylvania, Represents the City’s Industrial Emience in the 19th Century

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Second Oldest Only To Pennsylvania Hospital, The Protestant Espiscopal Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Second Oldest Only To Pennsylvania Hospital, The Protestant Espiscopal Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Second Oldest Only To Pennsylvania Hospital, The Protestant Espiscopal Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Former Environment of the Protestant Espiscopal Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. the small chapel is all that remains, the rest of the space being dedicated to parking lots.

Looking in the same direction, the view has changed slightly to make way for parking lots, etc.

The extant [...]