David Visits the 21C Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky
David Visits the 21C Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky
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The Hairport, Pembroke, Virginia–A Fun Re-Use of An Early 20th Century Commercial Building
Special to the Curator of Shit from The Meanest Bitch in Water Street.
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Bette Davis’ Gas Station, The Whales of August, Cliff Island, Maine
Bette Davis’ Gas Station, The Whales of August, Cliff Island, Maine
Special to the Curator of Shit from Jefferies.
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The Beautiful New House and Garden, Longport, New Jersey
The Beautiful New House and Garden, Longport, New Jersey
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The National Trust for Historic Preservation Needs a Modernized Office Building, McCormick Apartments, Washington, D.C.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation Needs a Modernized Office Building, McCormick Apartments, Washington, D.C.
We have it on good authority, from one of our inside sources, that America’s National Trust for Historic Preservation is in the midst of selling their old headquarters with hope of one day occupying a modernized office building. It is possible [...] -
Don’t We All Love A Quaint Moderne House: Art Deco, Moderne and Mid-Century Modern Meet The Tiny Beach Cottage, Barrier Island Location, New Jersey
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Damaged House at Union Beach, New Jersey was the Princess Cottage…
Damaged House at Union Beach, New Jersey was the Princess Cottage…
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The 19th Century Cats At Morris’ Refuge, Morris Animal Refuge, 1242 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
Known first as City Refuge—although not municipal, Miss Elizabeth Morris and several other of her lady friends founded Morris’ Refuge at 1242 Lombard Street in Philadelphia in May 1874. An address where the establishment can still be found today. The name changed to the “Morris Refuge for Homeless and Suffering Animals” in January 1884 at which [...]
Thompson Street Has A Deep Past, 10th & Thompson Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Circa 1918
Thompson Street Has A Deep Past, 10th & Thompson Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Circa 1918
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Di’s Cottage: The Cape May Cottage of Diana Moore Bullitt Kearny, 815 Beach Avenue, Cape May, New Jersey
Di’s Cottage: The Cape May Cottage of Diana Moore Bullitt Kearny, 815 Beach Avenue, Cape May, New Jersey
Formerly the wife of the famous Civil War General, Philip Kearny, Diana Moore Bullitt Kearny was originally from Louisville, Kentucky and, upon her marriage to Mr. Kearny, Diana went back east to live in New York. However, the [...]
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The Last Vestige of Old World Spring Garden Street, Church of the Assumption, Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Last Vestige of Old World Spring Garden Street
Church of the Assumption, Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Cornerstone Laid: May 21, 1848
Consecrated: 1849
Once a truly vibrant and dense residential section of the city, the above views of Spring Garden Street east of 12th Street, looking northeast, illustrate a context of buildings that has largely vanished. There is but one [...]

New Jersey Avenue’s Aesthetic Wonder, Washington, D.C.
New Jersey Avenue’s Aesthetic Wonder, Washington, D.C.
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The New Architecture at Howard University, Washington, D.C.
The New Architecture at Howard University, Washington, D.C.
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The Octagon’s New Neighbor, Washington, D.C.
The Octagon’s New Neighbor, Washington, D.C.
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The House of Doors, Washington, District of Columbia
The House of Doors, Washington, District of Columbia
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The Bush Hill Iron Works of James Moore, 1600 Block of Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
The Bush Hill Iron Works
James Moore, Proprietor
1600 Block of Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, Penna.
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Spring Garden Street in Mint Condition, Site of the U.S. Mint, SW Corner Spring Garden and 17th Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
Spring Garden Street in Mint Condition
Site of the U.S. Mint
SW Corner Spring Garden and 17th Street
Philadelphia, Penna.
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Evolution of the U.S. Assay Office, No. 30 Wall Street, New York, New York
Evolution of the U.S. Assay Office, No. 30 Wall Street, New York, New York
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Elegant Laundry Facilities, U.S. Marine Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky
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Philadelphia Formerly: One Hell Of A Night Club
Philadelphia Formerly: One Hell Of A Night Club
Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Penna
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The Most Flaming Addition In Philadelphia: Gambrel Roof, 276 South Philip Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
The Most Flaming Addition In Philadelphia
Gambrel Roof, 276 South Philip Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
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18th Street Entrance To Gibbs Mansion Where Boy Was Crushed By Iron Gate, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
Boy Crushed In The Name Of Architecture:
18th Street Entrance To Gibbs Mansion Where Boy Was Killed By Iron Gate, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Penna.
Heavy Iron Gate Fell And Crushed Eight-Year-Old Lad
The gate which killed little Charles McGanney is shown here resting on its side against the house [the Gibbs Mansion]. It fell off the rusted pivot on [...]

A Beautiful Gambrel Roof Cottage, Belmar, New Jersey
A Beautiful Gambrel Roof Cottage, Belmar, New Jersey
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The Coolest Duplex in Indianapolis is Unusable.!? Craftsman Duplex, Indianapolis, Indiana
The Coolest Duplex in Indianapolis is Unusable.!? Craftsman Duplex, Indianapolis, Indiana
Half boarded up, one hopes the “plywood shuttering” is simply preparation for a sensitive renovation of the building, given the unusual quality of the design with its heavy craftsman stylistic features and motifs. Not only is the building incredibly attractive, it is a sensible investment–live in [...]

James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue, 300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
James E. Mitchell Had An Axe To Grind In York Avenue
Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill
300 York Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
If you had an axe to grind! Or needed a grind stone in old Philadelphia, James E. Mitchell’s Grind Stone Yard and Stone Saw Mill, in the 300 block of York Avenue, was the [...]

The Louisville-Style Italianate Shotgun House, Louisville, Kentucky
The Louisville-Style Italianate Shotgun House, Louisville, Kentucky
New Orleans is the city of early and often ornate small houses—the Shotgun, the Camelback, as well as the adapted Creole Cottage. Yet Louisville once spoke its own language in terms of elegant small houses—houses that call to mind the feeling of the New Orleans Shotgun, Camelback, and even [...]

The Mellons and The Quaker City National Bank Were Once Neighbors in Philadelphia, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Mellons and The Quaker City National Bank Were Neighbors in Philadelphia
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Last Chance To Save Face, Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky
Last Chance To Save Face
Italianate Warehouse Buildings, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky
Located between North First and Second Streets in the downtown section of Louisville, Kentucky, these 19th and early 20th century commercial and warehouse buildings comprise one of the few intact blocks of a once dense and vibrant 19th century urban environment. This largely intact block [...]

Ancestry In Louisville Is More Than Password Protected: Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky
Ancestry In Louisville Is More Than Password Protected
Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky
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The Coolest Building in Indianapolis
The Coolest Building in Indianapolis
Art Deco? Utility Building, Indianapolis, Indiana
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R.I.P. Astrodome: Houston to Demolish Eighth Wonder of the World
R.I.P. Astrodome: Houston to Demolish the Eighth Wonder of the World
Houston, Texas
By: Oscar Beisert
While the Astrodome is not exactly to our precise taste, one cannot help but realize that it is an incredible specimen of architecture and structural engineering, not to mention a symbol of Houston’s eminence on the international scene in the 1960s. Since all of that [...]

Turd Palace: Jefferson County Judicial Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Turd Palace: Jefferson County Judicial Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Not every Glass Box achieves the distinction of “Turd Palace,” just as not every Turd Palace embodies a Glass Box. However, one of the feathers in the modern cap of Louisville, Kentucky is the formerly “new” Jefferson County Judicial Center—a crown jewel of Louisville’s place in the modern [...]

President Woodrow Wilson Spent the Evening Entering Edith Galt
President Woodrow Wilson Spent the Evening Entering Edith Galt
The Washington Post, October 9, 1915
All this time we had defended the dignity and propriety of Edith Bolling Galt’s widowhood, and the even more chaste widower-ship of former President Woodrow Wilson, as we simply wrote off…”the President spent the evening entering Mrs. Galt…” as hysterical [historical] urban [...]

The Architectural Terror in Grant Circle and the Homogenization of Our Old Home, Grant Circle, Washington, District of Columbia
The Architectural Terror in Grant Circle and the Homogenization of Our Old Home, Grant Circle, Washington, District of Columbia
By Oscar Beisert
Since the dawn of the age people have erased history as they have “improved,” remodeled and renovated, old houses; however, never more than now, has the general population placed such a high value on the [...]