The Childhood Home of Betty Ford (1918-2011)

The Childhood Home of Betty Ford (1918-2011)
717 Fountain Street, NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Not only the childhood home of Betty Ford, the Bloomer’s house represents an important period in American Architectural History. The development of suburban areas for middle to upper middle class people had become the newest fashion in 20th century America. Homes such as [...]
Where Did The Bloomers Raise Betty Ford?

Where Did The Bloomers Raise Betty Ford?
A Tribute to Betty Ford (1918-2011), A Look At Where She Grew Up…
In 1930, William A. Bloomer, 55, his wife, Hortense, 45, and their three children, William, Robert and Elizabeth Ann (Betty) lived at 717 Fountain Street, NE near Grande Avenue in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Aunt Carrie Weels, 74, [...]
Elks Arch Out of Order in Cadillac Square

Elks Arch Out of Order in Cadillac Square
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Convention Decorations of 1910 in Detroit, Michigan, the honorable Aug. Herrmann Presiding…
Preparing for the great convention of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, this strange monument in the midst of Cadillac Square was some kind of “Arch de Elk” constructed [...]
Your Typical Residential Streetscape, Detroit, Michigan

Derelict bungalows in Detroit, Michigan.
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First Smart Car Now Smart House…

Who knew there were suburban detached homes being designed and constructed that equal the Smart Car in its hybrid of affordability, design, and efficiency? In nineteenth century America, even the lowest slob on the totem pole of a Philadelphia worsted mill might have had at least the feeling of hope in their dismal hole of a dwelling with the presence of some architectural [...]