WWII Poster Or Is Jesus Behind Gay Marriage?

WWII Poster Or Is Jesus Behind Gay Marriage?
New Orleans Procurement, Religious War-related/Service-related Poster, $40, Antique Mall, Magazine Street…
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Portrait Miniature: Clues To Count…French, 19th Cen…

Portrait Miniature: Clues To Count…French, 19th Century…
Material: Watercolor on Ivory – Size Notated
Comte de Saint-Leger
Premier Gentilhomme
du Roy
Na. 1766 (?)
Portrait Miniature: Miniature in Frame
Frame Type: Gold Metal Frame with Prongs
Portrait Miniature: Signature Detail of 19th Century Miniature on Ivory.
First Name:
Last Name:
Most likely, this miniature represents the Count of Saint-Leger, Augustin, born 1766 in France, who was [...]
Could Architectural Blueprints Be Hidden In Antique Office Furniture???

Architectural Blueprints Hidden In Antique Office Furniture???
A Vertical Plan File (Circa 1914), Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Main Factories & Ex. Office, Rochester, N.Y.
While the architectural and engineering plans today are generally stored digitally or in large, antiquated metal cabinets, there were earlier devices that cleverly disguised the plan/blue print file cabinet in an attractive [...]
Automated Birds That Won’t Shit On Your Parlor

Automated Birds That Won’t Shit On Your Parlor
Victorian Bird Cage Automation, 19th Century, Probably French
Check Out The Video:
Automated Birds That Won\’t Shit On Your Parlor
This bird cage automation was a fashionable mechanical devise “of interest and beauty” in a Victorian Parlor. It would have been very expensive and the survival of these contraptions are relatively [...]
Our Own Ignorant Greed Embodied In Department Store?

Is Our Own Ignorant Greed Embodied In The Department Store?
Cartoon by Leon Barrit, The Commercial Vampire. Chromo from Vim, New York, July 20, 1898
We saw this satirical cartoon in a book published by the curators of one of the Federal museum bureaucracies. As they note, with the coming of printing technologies primarily and low postal [...]
The Preservation of Messr. Harris’ Prize Winning Cock…
The Preservation of Messr. Harris’ Prize Winning Cock…
You may not like portraits of dead relatives, but what about the preservation of their dead animals?
If you really and truly don’t care for an ancestral picture, well, why not try some other familiar relic? Get yourself a dead animal, and if its old enough, think of it [...]
Purse Your Lips: But First, Make Sure You Are Match Safe

Purse Your Lips: But First Make Sure You Are Match Safe
Older than the hills, we understand that match safes or, in more European parlance, Vesta cases, certainly have a viable place and purpose in modern society. If your fashionable, independent and/or ingenious enough to wear a man bag, you might want to consider this particular [...]
Imagine An Antique Unique to Old Philadelphia, Anastacia’s Antiques, 617 Bainbridge Street, Philadephia, Penna

Imagine An Antique Unique to Old Philadelphia
Anastacia’s Antiques, 617 Bainbridge Street, Philadephia, Penna
Within the 600 block of Bainbridge Street, in the City of Brotherly Love, there exists an exotic, antiquated environment that appears to us as unique to the town. Housed in a turn of the century commercial building at No. 617 Bainbridge Street, you [...]
Do You Have A Secret Taxidermy Obsession, But Wish To Remain Animal Friendly, Green, And Politically Correct? Antique Taxidermy and All Its Wonders…

Do You Have A Secret Taxidermy Obsession, But Wish To Remain Animal Friendly, Green, And Politically Correct? Antique Taxidermy and All Its Wonders…
Just about every antique store in America has some sort of animal related skin, mounting, or stuffing available for purchase. The specimen range from life-like to heads to rugs and of course attire. Prices [...]
Filthy Picture of Young Warden Found in Columbia, PA

Sitter Unknown
Artist Unknown
16 by 20 – ish
oil on canvas
While a realist portrait/character study, this work has elements of impressionism and expressionism. Procured in Columbia, Pennsylvania at a warehouse-esque sorta flea market, the piece cost a grand total of $12.00. It was purchased with another painting for the total of $30. The painting will need restoration and [...]
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