R.I.P. Astrodome: Houston to Demolish Eighth Wonder of the World

R.I.P. Astrodome: Houston to Demolish the Eighth Wonder of the World
Houston, Texas
By: Oscar Beisert
While the Astrodome is not exactly to our precise taste, one cannot help but realize that it is an incredible specimen of architecture and structural engineering, not to mention a symbol of Houston’s eminence on the international scene in the 1960s. Since all of that [...]
The Wondrous Court Yard of St. Martin’s Protestant Episcopal Church of a Largely Thrown-Away Houston, Texas

The Wondrous Court Yard of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church of a Largely Thrown-Away Houston, Texas
Trinity has not only chosen to preserve its church building and its fabulous interior, but also must be commended for saving a once typical, but now rare wood-frame house within its block for use by the church. The church could have [...]
Apparently Everything Is Bigger In Texas…Million-Dollar Shaft Memorial…Design For The San Jacinto Monument…Intelligence Claims Tallest Monument In The World…San Jacinto Battle Field…Houston Ship Channel…Harris County, Texas

Apparently Everything Is Bigger In Texas
Million-Dollar Shaft Memorial
Design For The San Jacinto Monument
Intelligence Claims Tallest Monument In The World
San Jacinto Battle Field
Houston Ship Channel
Harris County, Texas
Apparently not long after the erection of the 567.31-foot column, the San Jacinto Monument, on the Houston Ship Channel in unincorporated Harris County, Texas, a “Second Battle of San Jacinto” [...]
No One Is HomeSafe From The Curator Of Shit When The Ugliest Of Exterior Rolling Shutters Are Employed!

No One Is HomeSafe From The Curator Of Shit When The Ugliest Of Exterior Rolling Shutters Are Employed!
Motorized HomeSafe Rolling Shutters at 3343 South Braeswood Blvd, Houston, Texas
Even by 1912, when this image of steel rolling shutters appeared in a trades magazine, the device was used to close commercial facades. At this time the mechanism [...]
Queen Anne Denounced in Downtown Houston, 2011 Leeland Avenue, Houston, Texas

Queen Anne Denounced in Downtown Houston, 2011 Leeland Avenue, Houston, Texas
On the southeast fringe of Downtown Houston, Texas, we see yet another example of the impropriety that existed in the mid twentieth century. Formerly a middle class residential neighborhood of very respectable late nineteenth and early twentieth century detached houses, the area was industrialized, in part, [...]
Third Ward Home is Not For Sale, Palmer Street, Houston, Texas

Between 2005 and 2006 anti-development signage began cropping up in certain residential yards of the various wards of Houston, Texas. The development taking place involved the purchase (demolition) of old houses, derelict factories, and vacant lots for the construction of new residential condominiums and townhouses most of which are of the moment in terms of [...]
Wondrous Detached Row Houses Circa 1930, Project Row Houses, Houston, Texas

Built in 1930s for those of the lower, working class African American population of Houston, Texas, these absolutely wondrous detached row houses or bungalows certainly invoke a feeling of their Craftsman-era period of construction due to the high degree of integrity present in the sum of the buildings present.
(The above photo can been seen in Google [...]
What People Do to Buildings??? (Absurd Mansard)

Observe this adorable Folk Victorian dwelling located in Houston Heights or, more colloquially correct, ”The Heights” section of Houston, Texas. Call it Folk Victorian or just plain ole’ vernacular, this is your typical southern neighborhood or “farmish” gable front and wing detached house with matured plantings, a picket fence, and its original siding (applause). In fact, the mistress [...]
Building of the Week: Texaco Building, Houston, Texas

Texaco Building, 720 San Jacinto Street, Houston, Texas. Corporate History Abandoned.
Upon the discovery of oil at Spindletop (the infamous salt dome oil field), the Texas Fuel Company was established in 1901 by four oil boomers of Beaumont, Texas. Known as officially as the “The Texas Company”, and also, more importantly, as Texaco, the company was [...]