Don’t We All Love A Quaint Moderne House: Art Deco, Moderne and Mid-Century Modern Meet The Tiny Beach Cottage, Barrier Island Location, New Jersey

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The International Style Dental Clinic At The Maritime Service Training Station, Port Hueneme, California

Designed in the avant guard International Style, the building shown in this image is quite before its time or at least surprising as most architecture of this form and style in this period was reserved to very expensive residential buildings, rising to popularity in the mid-twentieth century for use in commercial and/or office space. The [...]
Who’s At Play? Or Is The Curator Even Away.!?

Who’s At Play? Or Is The Curator Even Away.!?
Vacation Note Clipped to Rear of Curator’s Chair…
And while they think us away, we are always on watch…
We being…the Curator of Shit…
A collegue once asked, “Is the chair stock?”
Of course not. Lucite chairs no longer come “stock” and, probably, they never did…
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For Once We Like A Modern Storefront?

For Once We Like A Modern Storefront?
Modern Storefront, Designed by V.S. Klein, Art Director, Electrical Products Corporation, Seattle, Washington
In the early 1930s the Art Deco and Moderne styles were not individually recognizable forms, they were simply modern. Working for the Electrical Products Corporation in Seattle, V.Z. Klein spent some of his time dedicated to storefront [...]
Our Orthodoxy Feels A Certain Religious Expressionism Embodied In Ohev Sholom…Or…Is It…Talmud Torah.!?

Our Orthodoxy Feels A Certain Religious Expressionism Embodied In Ohev Sholom…Or…Is It…Talmud Torah.!?
Ohev Sholom Talmud Torah, 16th Street at Jonquil, NW, Washington, D.C.
In the upper part of our nation’s 16th Street NW, at the Federal City, there is a built context representing American architectural history; however, largely encompassing styles derivative of Colonial Revival and Victorian [...]
Ira Aldridge Theater Pleasant Mid-Century Interruption in the Colonial Revival Campus of Howard University…

Ira Aldridge Theater Pleasant Interruption in the Colonial Revival Campus of Howard University…
Ira Aldridge Theater, Howard University, Georgia Avenue, Washington, D.C.
Built primarily for the Howard Players, the Ira Aldridge Theater opened its doors on a Monday evening, February 20, 1961, with a production of Lorca’s “Blood Wedding,” directed by Owen Dodson (1914-1983), the eminent African [...]
Modern Taste for Baked Bread, Nolde Brothers Inc., Norfolk, Virginia

A German-American immigrant, John Henry Nolde (1867-?) officially began baking “his own” bread in Richmond, Virginia in 1892 at 25 years of age when he founded Nolde’s Bread or what would become Nolde Brothers Inc.. As was often the case, the young, single 32 year old entrepreneur and baker was still living with his 50 year [...]
Procurement: Mid-Century Modern Meets Cubist at the Georgetown Flea Market…

The Inverted Woman
Ebonized Wood, 16 inches in height, unsigned
Probably out of the mid-twentieth century…
Who knows?
And for $40 at the Georgetown Flea Market, who cares?
Three Flames!
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Procurement: Mid Century Modern Day Bed for the Crib Room

At the urging of our more intimate followers (friends), we have been scouring the eastern seaboard for a “Green” daybed. When we say green, we mean “used”, as we try not to buy new unless absolutely necessary. Last week we replied to a Craigslist advertisement featuring a bench that could have been used as a half bed. The bench was [...]