Apparently Everything Is Bigger In Texas…Million-Dollar Shaft Memorial…Design For The San Jacinto Monument…Intelligence Claims Tallest Monument In The World…San Jacinto Battle Field…Houston Ship Channel…Harris County, Texas

Apparently Everything Is Bigger In Texas
Million-Dollar Shaft Memorial
Design For The San Jacinto Monument
Intelligence Claims Tallest Monument In The World
San Jacinto Battle Field
Houston Ship Channel
Harris County, Texas
Apparently not long after the erection of the 567.31-foot column, the San Jacinto Monument, on the Houston Ship Channel in unincorporated Harris County, Texas, a “Second Battle of San Jacinto” [...]
One of the First Helicopter Engines in America, by Emile Berliner…In An Old Barn At 1458 Columbia Road, NW, Washington, D.C.

One of the First Helicopter Engines in America, by Emile Berliner…In An Old Barn At 1458 Columbia Road, NW, Washington, D.C.
Emile Berliner (1851-1929) began studying aeronautics/aviation in the 1890s at his Columbia Heights (then Pleasant Plains) Mansion at 1458 Columbia Road, NW, where he owned nearly all of the 1400 block. This was prior to [...]
No Alleyway, No Problem…At Least Not In Kearney Street…NE Washington DC

No Alleyway, No Problem…At Least Not In Kearney Street…NE Washington DC
Interesting Residential Garage Building, 1200 Block of Kearney Street, N.E., Washington, D.C.
For those fortunate enough to climb, the terraced, uphill urban lots can often make for more private, wind-friendly and, not to mention, architectural living… What better than a Victorian or Four Square atop a [...]
Detached Row House in Alleyway, York, Pennsylvania

Detached Row House in Alleyway, York, Pennsylvania
In the NW part of the United States, even in small towns, and principally in large cities, there are always a suprising number of alley houses that survive. This is a striking example in York, Pennsylvania. Oddly, people still occupy these small houses even with the presence of larger derelict houses [...]
But What Of Their Colonial Revival Garages?

But What of Their Colonial Revival Garages?
Detached, Detached Garage Buildings, 1400 Block of Crittenden Street, NW, Washington D.C.
With the growth of the Federal government came the need for houses in Washington, D.C. While there was certainly much development in the second half of the 19th century, Washington certainly saw a great boom at several points [...]
Even Garbage Can Look Attractive…Jackson, Mississippi

Even Garbage Can Look Attractive…Jackson Mississippi
Public Recycling Area at Rear of Rainbow Natural Grocery Cooperative
2807 Old Canton Road, Jackson, Mississippi
After a not so exciting facade (although not horrible), we were dumb founded to come upon this rear entry or, should we say, loading dock as a recycling area. Our surprise was to the atypical [...]
Right Up Your Alley: We Shutter to Ask…

Right Up Your Alley: We Shutter to Ask…
3400 R Street, NW, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.
We shutter to ask…what happened in R Street, NW, as an end unit bordering an alleyway has lost one of its shutters, but actually left an interesting view for the appreciators and purveyors of old… We always enjoy a good, crusty ole feeling, [...]
Just Your Standard Examination at the Episcopal Eye & Ear Hospital, Washington DC

Just Your Standard Examination at the Episcopal Eye & Ear Hospital, Washington DC
These photos were taken at the Episcopal Eye & Ear Hospital at about 1918 in Washington, DC. While these were actually physical examinations of aviation recruits, it is certainly hilarious to see these nude examination photos coupled with the Eye & Ear specialists [...]
The Chipped Tiles of Edwin E. Ellett, Convention Center, 1106 9th Street, NW, Washington, DC

In the shiny new environs of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, some crusty buildings remain as a physical representation of Mount Vernon Square’s neighborhood history. The principal streets of the area, such as 7th and 9th Streets, NW, convey an illustration of the area’s past through its decreasingly extant old facades.
And, in some cases, history is even [...]
Old World Charm, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

We know this is an odd picture to display as important, but we love love love these yummy barn doors. Yes, they are inconvenient as hell, but soooo soooo beautiful and charming. We also enjoy the modern car parked inside, the great cottage to the left, and the 1940s yard tracks rather than a full [...]
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