Niblo’s Garden Opens Columbia Heights Venue, Contemporary Architecture, Kenyon Street, NW, Columbia Heights, Washington, DC

Niblo’s Garden Opens Columbia Heights Venue, Contemporary Architecture, Kenyon Street, NW, Columbia Heights, Washington, DC
When happening upon the Harriet Tubman Elementary School in 3100 block of 13th Street, NW, one is often so horrified and dumbfounded by the terrible mid twenieth century edifice that anything else before destination is a confused blur. However, if you find yourself without [...]
Duplex of Garish Grecian Splendor at Astoria, Queens, New York City

Duplex of Garish Grecian Splendor at Astoria, Queens, New York City
Astoria’s architectural heritage dates back to the 17thcentury; however, there are few, if any, physical representations extant of this early period. Most of these buildings were lost in the name of progress. Several decades after Steinway & Sons revolutionized the formerly quaint Long Islandtown of [...]
Absurd Mansard: Mega Mansions For Sale; Any Takers?

Recently, there has been a great deal of hype about the super rich and the ostentatious monuments to private wealth. But perhaps you are wondering–who, where, when, and ”how much”? For example, recently, the above-illustrated unfinished mansion of David Siegel, the chief executive officer of Orlando-based Westgate Resorts, was listed at roughly $75 million and, guess what, the place is being sold [...]
Newt Gingrich has no (show) place to judge…

Don’t worry you’re not the only citizen contributing to suburban sprawl and construction of the countless clone colonies within the Glamorous United States of America.
Newt Gingrich and one of his lovely wives (Callista, we think…) make their home in this particular clone colony in McLean, Virginia. Here they can have the whole kit and kaboodle, [...]