An African American Carpenter Built Julia Child’s House, Georgetown, D.C.

In 1948, Paul and Julia Child purchased a 150-year-old, three-story wood frame house at 2706 Olive Avenue in the Georgetown Section of Washington, D.C. Paul and Julia Child both worked for the Federal government at that time in the diplomatic realm–although Julia was “…just a file clerk.” They were probably the first white owners of [...]
Every Child Deserves A Wood Frame Castle.?!

Every Child Deserves A Wood Frame Castle.?!
Wood Frame Castle, Lumber Street Or Long Alley, Littlestown, York County, Pennsylvania
Looking North at Typical Building in Long Alley
Admist the typical garage and other outbuidlings in Long Alley within the greater context of Littlestown, York County, Pennsylvania, we found a small castle that is not so typical to the [...]
Purse Your Lips: But First, Make Sure You Are Match Safe

Purse Your Lips: But First Make Sure You Are Match Safe
Older than the hills, we understand that match safes or, in more European parlance, Vesta cases, certainly have a viable place and purpose in modern society. If your fashionable, independent and/or ingenious enough to wear a man bag, you might want to consider this particular [...]
Absurd Mansard: Trailer-tastic in Old Mississippi…

Somewhere in Old Miss:
There are no words….
This seemingly mid to third quarter of the twentieth century “trailer park” is truly unbelievable. Well, let’s put it this way, this is what we mean when we say: “just because its a trailer doesn’t mean it can’t be fabulous!!!”
Five Flames! Martha put the spatula away for these motive [...]
Keep Indianapolis Beautiful: Asethetic Priority in Old Indy

We applaud Indiana for the overall efforts to beautify its principal and capital city. Furthermore, we would like to give five flames to the not-for-profit Keep Indianapolis Beautiful. Shown above, volunteers of Keep Indianapolis Beautiful are hard at work “curating the shit” (quite literally the manure had just been delivered), and most importantly these individuals are [...]
High Art in Norfolk, Virginia–HOLY CHRYSLER!

Why did the Chrysler go from this progressive model:
in 1961 to this more normative style:
in 1971? The world has always wondered… Finally, we think that our labors have found an answer:
Expanding the Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences (originally opened in 1933), Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. (1909-1988), American automotive heir, donated his very important art [...]
Interior of Interest: Not the Museum Portion of the Program, but the Art School at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Ever been to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA)? If the answer is yes, you probably have no recollection of the life size plaster copy of Michelangelo’s David nor any of his countless associates… And why is this? Well, go easy on yourself, your memory isn’t as bad as you think… This photograph [...]
Flame Bag: 21C Museum Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky Takes Arbiter by Suprise
Where the hell have we been? Apparently, not in Louisville. We were recently art-shocked when stumbling upon what some might feel is Louisville’s most recent claim to fame–and we’re here to tell you it ain’t no bat!
Apparently we have been out to lunch as this incredible hybrid multiple-gallery, 90-room art museum/botique hotel was founded by philanthropists and art [...]
Excursion/Building of the Week: Hope in Arkansas in Little Rock’s Old Mill

So you have to go to Little Rock, Arkansas for work… Well, this is largely a pity, but don’t worry the Clinton Library isn’t the worst place in the world nor is it the only place to visit. And by the way, even though the Presidential shrine looks like a trailer, it’s still one of [...]
Flame Bag or Turd?: Eclectic Bumpkinastic Revival Style Mixed-Use Single Family Dwelling in Artemus, Knox County, Kentucky

We leave this decision up to you–flame bag or turd? Crippled by our inability to look away from a car crash, on a recent work related survey trip, we ran into this unbelievable creation during some free time. Rather than the simple snubbing we might give something half this unbelievable, it is imperative that we [...]
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